A Bouquet, Willow, The Water Sprite, The Golden Spinning-Wheel, The Wedding Shirt…

In April 2012, we presented the “wrapped” Bouquet from these five ballads of Karel Jaromir Erben to audiences at the Radost Theater for the first time.
The production ran for seven years and has had more than fifty reprises, the Audience Award from the Dítě v Dlouhá festival in 2013, positive reactions from critics and audiences, and even positive feedback from teachers who appreciated the “suggestive atmosphere of the production, acting, and musical performances, during which some of the sixth-graders didn’t breath”…
“Philosophy, religion, and poetry all meet with the four basic elements and with everything that goes beyond us. Pagan Slavic antiquity is intermingled with contemporary interpersonal relationships and feelings. This is the tension that creates a huge drama” said Director Petr Nosálek about A Bouquet.
Also in the renewed production we try to “blow the dust off” these ballads of perhaps the most popular collection of poetry of the early 19th century. We think that the stories, which in today’s fast-paced and completely different time seem to some to be outdated, can captivate, much better than reading, through diverse means of expression and the magic of theater.

Information about the Performance

Age: 10+ and adults
Length of Performance: 1 hour 10 minutes
Premiere: 14. 4. 2012

Author: Karel Jaromír Erben

Director: Petr Nosálek
New Cast Production: Ondřej Nosálek
Production Design: Pavel Hubička
Music: Pavel Helebrand
Dramaturgy: Eva Janěková

People and Cast

Kateřina Höferová | Eva Koupová | Barbora Dobišarová | Helena Dvořáková | Vilém Čapek | Petr Šmiřák | Teodor Dlugoš | Jan Bradáč j.h. | Zdeněk Ševčík j.h. | Břetislav Vybíral ml. j.h.


Dates of Performances



Our partners:


Divadlo Radost

contributory  organization
Bratislavská 216/32
602 00 Brno-Zábrdovice

IČO: 00489123
DIČ: CZ00489123
DS: k6dkmq9