
The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats or When the Kid Goes to Open the Door

And what about... when the kid goes to open the door?

Surely you know the fairy tale The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats. In it, a mother goat warns her young about the bad wolf and orders them to never open the door to the house to strangers, especially when they are home alone. The authors of this version of the story preserve the plot of the fairy tale, and add humor and wit to it. Not only children but also the accompanying adults will certainly enjoy all the tricks that the cunning wolf comes up with in order to get into the house.

Information about the Performance

Age: 3+
Length of the Performance: 1 hour
Premiere: 3. 5. 1996

Author: Jan Vodňanský - Pavel Polák

Director: Pavel Polák
Production: Jaroslav Milfajt
Music: Vlastimil Peška

People and Cast

Hana Kučová
Václav Vítek



Dates of Performances


Our partners:

Media Partners:

Divadlo Radost

contributory organization
Bratislavská 216/32
602 00 Brno-Zábrdovice

IČO: 00489123
DIČ: CZ00489123
DS: k6dkmq9