12+ and adults

Buffalo Bill Once Upon a Time in Moravia in the Year of the Lord 1906

New PREMIERE of the Radost Theater! Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show brings to Brno a mishmash of six-part novels and the purest clichés from the Wild West and the whole world!

Cowboys and cowgirls, sharpshooters, Indians or Cossacks... On that August day in 1906, they received a spectacular applause, just like at other stops throughout the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. It is not surprising that one of the enthusiastic viewers succumbs to the allure of remoteness and adventure. Twelve-year-old Bořek runs away from home and secretly joins the remarkable company led by a fanfare principal. However, the romantic dream frames a different historical context. The year is 1950 and Bořek, now an adult, runs away again. This time it is not on a whim, but out of sheer necessity. In addition to a perhaps even a naive love for western stories, which gave birth to the phenomenon of Czech “tramping”, another theme of the play is the nostalgic relationship between Czech society and the New World and the illusion of freedom that America symbolized for many. After all, the issue of migration, be it voluntary or forced by circumstances, connects the stories on the stage with our present-day reality.

A colorful tangle of plots unfolds on stage through the puppets and their interaction with live actors. Even the set design takes on the sublime nomadic nature of the story. The performance is conceived as multilingual, but the language barrier forces the characters to choose the simplest possible words, and when they run out of them, the language of images, gestures, and perspectives comes to the fore...

Please note: A large amount of smoke is used during the production. We therefore recommend that spectators with respiratory problems sit in the back rows or use a respirator. Thank you for your understanding.

Information about the Performance

Age: 10+ and adults
Length of Performance: 1 h  10 min
Premiere: 12. 5. 2023

Author: Vendula Borůvková

Director: Joanna Zdrada
Dramaturgy: Vendula Borůvková
Scenography, costumes and puppets: Pavel Hubička
Projection: Sebastian Łukaszuk

Music: Tomek Lewandowski

People and Cast

Young Bořek: Gabriel Kulíšek
Immigration Officer, Cowgirl Lulu: Sabina Šlachtová
Bořek, Buffalo: Vilém Čapek
Student: Hana Kučová
Bessie: Eliška Borisová / Michaela Krobot Rotterová
Cossack: Štěpán Przezwiecki


Jana Soukupová (MF DNES): Na Divokém západě v Radosti se všichni nadřou

Dates of Performances



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Media Partners:

Divadlo Radost

contributory organization
Bratislavská 216/32
602 00 Brno-Zábrdovice

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DIČ: CZ00489123
DS: k6dkmq9