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12+ and adults

Hamlet on the Road

Jan 23 / 6:00 PM
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Superheroes 3. 2. at 6:00 p.m. in Joy Theatre!

Let's invent a new kind of superhero!

What at first seemed like a simple task turns out to be more complicated than expected...
Based on superheroes from pop culture, with references to ancient classical heroes and taking into account the current socio-political developments, a modern superhero is being created to stand up to all the evils of the modern world. What superpowers does he need? Will he fly? Can he swim?

And what would our superheroes be without their antagonists! Fight for justice without the unjust? Batman without the Joker? Here's where it gets interesting, here's where the struggle takes on meaning, here's where opposites meet in conflict, here's where we want to take sides and experience the classic catharsis when evil loses and good wins...

Radost Theatre announces another year of literary competition!

For the third year of the Festival of Joy, we would like to continue the literary competition that we first announced during the second year of the festival in 2023. The themes of the competition are those that will accompany us throughout the festival, namely: illusions, ephemerality and dreaming. The competition concerns texts with content aimed at children and adolescent audiences, which is, of course, again without age restriction. It is the age of our authors, because anyone can enter their text! We are happy to discover new and young talents in our competition, but we are also happy to welcome professional authors. The competition texts will be judged anonymously by our jury. And the best ones will be staged with our theatre actors in the form of a staged reading. And because our festival aims to encourage the creation of new dramatic works, first place will also be awarded a financial prize.
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602 00 Brno-Zábrdovice

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